Not offered in 2020-21 (Covid strikes again)

But, we are working to move our content to a hybrid online/on demand offering with an option for a visit in person.

Stay tuned for updates!

Desert Research Institute’s Reno Campus:

2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512

 The course is open to all students and researchers interested in luminescence geochronology and may be taken for optional course credit in Geology, Anthropology, or Geography through the University of Nevada Reno Academic Credit Options Office.

Course Description: Students and participants will build a working knowledge of geochronologic approaches to problems in Earth Science, particularly focused on luminescence dating. Students will gain experience in developing a geochronologic strategy and sample collection, preparation, measurement, analysis, and interpretation of luminescence data and ages. Those using or planning to use luminescence in their research projects will have opportunities for individual consultation about their projects and those enlisting the DRI Luminescence Laboratory (DRILL) for collaboration on projects will receive priority status in the lab’s project queue. Group work and hands on activity in the lab and field are required. To learn about sample collection and field considerations, a one-day field trip will be taken and we will return to Reno later than 5:00 pm on that day.

Cost: $1300 per student. Includes course fees, course materials, lunch, drinks, and snacks.

For the 2018 syllabus: Click here.

For questions and to get on the email list: contact the DRI Luminescence Laboratory (DRILL) Staff: drill@dri.edu.